What is a Caesarean Section?
A caesarean section, or the shortened term, c-section, is an operation which is performed to deliver a baby. When a caesarean section is performed an incision is made into the front wall of the woman’s abdomen and the womb.
A caesarean section can be planned or it can be performed as an emergency procedure. This operation is normally performed using an epidural or spinal anaesthetic whereby the lower part of the body is numbed. However, on occasions, this operation is performed under a general anaesthetic.
When is a caesarean section needed?
This procedure is normally performed when a normal vaginal birth may put you or your baby at risk such as:
- The labour has not progressed naturally
- The placenta is lying low in the womb (placenta praevia)
- When the mother has given birth by a caesarean section previously
- The baby is in the breech position
- The baby is in distress
- The mother has developed a condition such as gestational diabetes, pre-eclampsia, has a ruptured uterus or placental abruption
When can negligence occur with a caesarean section?
Like any surgical procedure, undergoing a caesarean section holds risks during the procedure. However, on occasions, negligence can occur when there is a failure to perform a caesarean section or there are unnecessary delays in carrying out the procedure. When negligence occurs in relation to caesarean sections the consequences can be very severe and include severe blood loss the mother, or long-lasting damage to organs. Problems which can occur for the baby include cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy.
Some of the most common ways in which medical negligence can occur in relation to caesarean sections include:
- There is a failure to perform a planned caesarean section which leads to complications which could have been avoided
- There is a failure to convert to an emergency caesarean section during a vaginal delivery
- Failure to provide the appropriate amount of pain relief medication during the caesarean section
- Damage to the organs during the operation which should not have occurred
- There is a failure to repair damage to organs or to obtain the assistance of suitable specialists to perform such repairs
This is not an exhaustive list, but if you are concerned that either you or your baby have experienced complications due either a caesarean section not being performed, or there were delays in this procedure being performed or damage occurred during the surgery please do not hesitate to contact us today for a free, no obligation chat.