
Gifting Rules Under Lasting Power of Attorney

When acting as a lasting power of attorney, special care should be taken when giving gifts on behalf of the donor to avoid legal and financial consequences. It is an attorney’s responsibility to ensure that they are acting in their donor’s best interest and using their estate as they would have wished for it to...Read More

How Long Do Traumatic Brain Injuries Last?

A traumatic brain injury or TBI is an injury to the brain caused by external force to the head. Typical causes include physical assault, vehicle accidents, and falls. The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) runs from 3 to 15, and is used to classify TBI according to its severity: mild, moderate or severe. Individuals with mild...Read More

How to Make a Loss of Sight Claim

A sudden injury that causes loss of sight can have a devastating impact. Even partial vision loss can be distressing, as it potentially means being unable to work. Common causes of temporary or permanent loss of sight include physical trauma, workplace accidents, and medical negligence. If you or someone you know suffers from vision impairment...Read More

Case Report – Negligence Arising Out of Eye Surgery

We recently concluded a successful settlement for a lady who suffered significant damage to her vision as a result of negligence during an operation on her eye. Our client had unfortunately suffered detached retinas in both eyes in quick succession. She underwent non-negligent surgery in her left eye but there was a negligent complication with...Read More

Employment Law Changes Coming in 2019

As of the new year, there are a number of Employment Law changes coming into effect that both employers and employees need to be aware of. In order for you to be prepared for each of these changes and make the appropriate arrangements, we have compiled a comprehensive list of each change in order from...Read More

How to Prove Medical Negligence

In order to prove Medical Negligence has occurred, it is the responsibility of the claimant to provide evidence. This evidence must demonstrate that the duty of care has been breached and as a result, the patient has suffered injuries whether they be physical or mental. It is, however, important to note that the treatment received...Read More

5 Reasons You Can Sue Your Dentist

Dental treatment rarely goes wrong, but if you are a victim of negligence and wish to take action against your dentist, Mark Reynolds can provide all the legal support that you are looking for. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons for suing dental professionals right now. Erratic or incorrect treatments...Read More

Why You NEED to Write a Will

It’s always difficult to think about death, especially your own. But unfortunately, it’s one of the only things in life (as well as taxes) that’s guaranteed. It’s your will that tells your loved ones what should happen with your money, possessions and property when you die. If you haven’t left a will, it’s up to...Read More

How to Claim for Catastrophic Injuries

Catastrophic injuries can have a devastating effect on you and your family, causing a lot of pain and suffering. It’s, therefore, your right to claim for compensation for any trauma you’re going through. Read on to find out how to claim for catastrophic injuries. What Defines a Catastrophic Injury? Any serious, life-changing injury resulting in...Read More