
Psychological Injuries in Clinical Negligence

Investigating potential psychological injuries forms part of our investigations into medical negligence claims. That may seem unusual and of course, not all of our clients will have experienced psychological injuries. However, it is something that we need to consider when we look at the injury our client has suffered. The focus is usually on the...Read More

What Counts As An Industrial Disease Claim?

At Mark Reynolds, we have been helping clients obtain industrial disease compensation for many years. Employers across all industries have a duty of care to their employees and face penalties if they fail to comply with this. We are able to offer the highest standard of representation and are able to provide legal assistance in...Read More

How To Claim Against the Police

Being treated unfairly or inappropriately by a police officer can be very distressing, as they are the very people that we expect to act responsibly to keep us safe. Individuals who have suffered at the hands of a police officer can be deeply affected by the incident.  Taking legal action against the police can help...Read More

Deceased Clients

An upsetting part of our job is acting for clients who have passed away and we understand that this is a very difficult time for the family. We may act for deceased clients either because: A family has contacted us with concerns about their loved one’s treatment; or The client passed away during the course...Read More

How A Cancer Misdiagnosis Claim Works

We investigate cases relating to the delay in diagnosing cancer here at Mark Reynolds Solicitors. This is a difficult topic, as the diagnosis of cancer always has a profound effect on an individual but to then find out that the cancer may have been diagnosed earlier, is very hard. We find that these clients have...Read More

5 Reasons to Write a Will

Whilst no one wants to dwell on what will happen to their belongings after their demise, preparing a will can help to put your mind at rest that you are in control of what happens to your estate in the event of your death. Without a will, the people who receive your estate are decided...Read More

Reasons to Claim Against Your Dentist

Many people worry about going to the dentist and often feel nervous or apprehensive even at the thought of treatment. Usually, treatment goes well and they leave the dental surgery feeling relieved, with their dental worries resolved. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. Sometimes people are left suffering from unnecessary damage, stress and pain after...Read More

What is a Will?

Simply, a Will is a legal document that sets out your instructions for your accumulated wealth to be disposed of after your death. There are many reasons for putting off making a Will “it’s tempting fate”, “I have nothing to leave” and “my family knows who gets what”. A Will can be made by anyone...Read More

Employment Law Changes in 2018

Employment law changes frequently, so it’s advisable to remain completely up to date with the latest legislation for compliance purposes. Read on to learn more about the latest amendments to employment law. Gender pay gap reports One of the latest changes to the law is that large employers now have deadlines for reporting gender pay...Read More

Mark Reynolds Solicitors Launches New Wills And Probate Division

Mark Reynolds Solicitors have announced the expansion of its Wills, Trusts and Estates Department with the addition of specialist legal support for elderly clients. The new Elderly Client service will be led by Wills and Probate expert Carl Marston. Carl, who served as regional Chairman of Solicitors for the Elderly in the Cheshire and Staffordshire District,...Read More