
What Makes a Dismissal Unfair?

Being dismissed is never pleasant. It can be stressful and come as quite a shock. However, not all dismissals are at the fault of the employer, and it is essential to know the difference between being personally being at fault and when not. A dismissal would be fair if: The employee had questionable competency; The...Read More

How to Claim if You Have Experienced Medical Negligence

Sadly, few of us get through our lives without undergoing some form of serious medical treatment. While modern-day healthcare is undertaken to a very high standard, mistakes are occasionally made. It’s in the nature of the work that when clinical practitioners make mistakes, lives can be lost or damaged. If that’s the case, you may...Read More

How to Identify Scam Solicitors

When you’re dealing with a solicitor, you have to trust them one hundred percent. These are people you’re often sharing very personal information with, people who will be acting on your behalf, and, very often, people who have access to sizable sums of your money. So it’s little wonder there are a few unsavoury characters...Read More

What You Should Know Before Writing a Will

As a society, we’re often very reluctant to talk about death, but it’s something we must discuss as it comes to us all eventually. Sometimes it comes unexpectedly too, so knowing what’s going to happen to our property and dependants in that event is vital. For this reason, it’s always advisable to make a will,...Read More

Three Major Reasons Why You Should Write a Will

A will, simply put, is a straightforward transfer of wealth from one generation to the next. It provides the opportunity to give to those you care about, send a message to loved ones, or help alleviate the stressful financial aftermath of dealing with loss. Your will not only ensures that your affairs are in order...Read More

Five Things You Need To Know About Clinical Negligence

It’s generally accepted that the UK health system is one of the best around. Thousands of people are successfully treated every day for all kinds of ailments, and accidents are mercifully rare. However, there are still hundreds of avoidable mistakes made each year. So what do you need to know about making a claim? Know...Read More

Am I Entitled To A Personal Injury Claim

Before you make a personal injury claim it is important you understand what is involved and under what circumstance you are entitled to make such a claim. There are a few questions that are very important that are answered before you go ahead with filing a claim. The first and most important question people tend...Read More

Personal Injury Claims Explained

Nobody ever thinks they will be involved in an accident until it happens. Not knowing what to do after it happens can make an already stressful and upsetting time even worse. With this in mind, it is important that you are aware of the steps to take if you need to proceed with making a...Read More

Personal Injury – Psychological Claims

Many personal injuries can result in psychological damage that can sometimes last longer than physical injury. When making a personal injury claim, you may also be eligible to claim compensation for emotional stress and mental anguish directly caused by the negligence or maliciously wilful act of others.  Psychological damage can include post-traumatic stress, neurological problems,...Read More

Rights for Disabled Workers

Disabled workers, with the right skills and qualifications, not only have the right to work, but are protected under the Equality Act of 2010. It’s illegal for an employer to discriminate against an employee because of their disability. As a disabled employee, you need to be aware of employment law and your rights in the...Read More