
The Role of Personal Injury Solicitors

Personal injury claims have gained something of a bad reputation in recent years. It’s probably true to say the practice has been abused, but that doesn’t mean claims aren’t, for the most part, genuine and necessary. A personal injury is defined as an injury to an individual’s body, mind or emotions, as opposed to injury...Read More

Laying Down the Law

Too often, employment laws are thought of as an ongoing battle between slippery managers and intransigent union stewards, but this is far from the truth. In actual fact they protect both employers and employees from bad practice every day. Banging the Table Employment law applies to every worker from first interview right through to dismissal...Read More

All You Need To Know About Accident Claims

When you or a loved one is involved in an accident it can be a very confusing and upsetting time. Often accidents can cause people to be unable to work or to even care for themselves properly. In these instances you may want to look at filing an accident claim in order to help get...Read More

All You Need To Know About Accident Claims

When you or a loved one is involved in an accident it can be a very confusing and upsetting time. Often accidents can cause people to be unable to work or to even care for themselves properly. In these instances you may want to look at filing an accident claim in order to help get...Read More

5 Things You Should Know About Personal Injury

When an individual falls victim of a personal injury it can often be a worrying and uncertain time clouded by doubt of how to proceed with contacting a law firm to start the process of seeking compensation. If you or someone you know is currently in this position the following five key points will help...Read More

Medical Negligence Claims Explained

Medical Negligence claims are based around two separate things; firstly that there was fault on the end of the healthcare professional in that they did not carry out their responsibilities correctly and secondly that there was avoidable harm in that as a result of this failure you are now in a position where you have...Read More

How to Deal With an Unfair Dismissal in Work

If you believe that you have been unfairly dismissed from your place of work it can be a very confusing and upsetting time. It is often very hard to know what to do in this situation but there are steps that you can take in order to make a complaint against your former employer for...Read More

What to do when you need to make a Personal Injury Claim

Being injured can cause you not only physical but emotional stress. It is a very confusing time where you aren’t quite sure what to do and if you are entitled to anything. Whilst looking after yourself during this time is important, it is equally as important to begin thinking about pursuing a personal injury claim....Read More

5 Things You Should Know About Employment Law

Employment law can be confusing, however, there are many aspects of employment law that you should be aware of in order to protect yourself if things go wrong. Employers have a duty of care to employees and there are certain rules that they are required to abide by. There has been significant reform in this...Read More