
Personal Injury: Mould-Related Claims

If you live in a rented property, your landlord has a duty of care to ensure your home is safe to live in. This includes dealing with damp and mould problems that can have a serious effect on your health. Here’s a look at the health risks of damp and mould, and what to do...Read More

Accident Claims: What to do if you are the driver

Across the UK every single day motorists find themselves in traffic collision that they never dreamt would happen and as a result they have no idea what to do. The laws on what to do in these situations can be quite strict especially with time restrictions if you wish to make a claim. If you...Read More

No Will: Who Gets What?

Many people forget or don’t bother making a will. Some even choose to avoid the issue considering it too morbid, especially if they are young, fit and healthy. However, family relationships can be complicated and the absence of a will means that others may benefit from your death no matter what your personal wishes. If...Read More

Making a Car Accident Compensation Claim

If you have been involved in a car accident which wasn’t your fault you may be entitled to making a compensation claim. It is a common misconception that you can only make a claim if you were driving the car whereas in reality you have the right to do so if you were a passenger...Read More

What Is Breach of Contract?

An employment contract is an official agreement between parties (an employer and an employee) to carry out a service and also to receive agreed payment for that service. Failure to follow this agreement can result in ‘breach of contract’. If a contract is breached in any way by either party, the first step is to...Read More

Dangers in the Farming Industry

According to the Health And Safety Executive, farms are one of the most dangerous workplaces in the UK. It’s easy to see why when you consider the hazards of large machinery, unpredictable livestock, slippery surfaces and varying weather conditions. Farm owners, however, are responsible not only for the safety of employees but also visitors, so...Read More

Driving Safely in Europe

If you’ve booked your cabriolet ready to discover the Côte d’Azur or the Amalfi coast, you may need to know a thing or two about driving in Europe to stay safe on the roads. There’s nothing to stop you from having a wonderful European holiday, but it’s best to make sure you are prepared for...Read More

Employment Law: What you should know as an employer

As an employer it can sometimes be difficult to keep up with everything in terms of the laws of employment. However, it is important that you are aware of the rules and regulations within these laws to ensure that both you and your employees are aware of your rights. If you wish to change the...Read More

Dealing with the gender pay gap

The gender pay gap has been a hot topic for a while now and the government are in the process of drafting regulations that will require companies to report on how they pay staff to demonstrate complete transparency and that pay between men and women is appropriate. If you’re an employer, here are key areas...Read More

Can you make a work accident claim?

Accidents at work happen every day no matter how many precautions you take and can happen under any circumstance. Injuries can vary in severity; it could be a sprained ankle or a minor cut but equally it can sometimes be more severe and even result in death. Regardless of how bad your injury is, you...Read More