
Fair or Unfair Dismissal?

Under the Employment Rights Act, an employee with an employment contract has the right to not be unfairly dismissed. If employment is terminated, it must be as a last resort when all other methods have been exhausted.  Dismissal must be fair, with good reason and a number of procedures must be respected before employment can...Read More

No Win No Fee: The Basics

If you have sustained a personal injury or have been injured in an accident through no fault of your own, you may be eligible to apply for an accident claim. However, even if the accident was not your fault, you may be concerned about making a legitimate claim because of the high upfront legal fees...Read More

Employment Law: Paternal Rights

Working fathers in the UK have certain rights that an employer is obliged to respect. They have the right to paternity leave, shared maternity leave with their partner and to be considered for flexible working hours. The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) provides impartial and expert advice for employees and employers on workplace regulations...Read More

Travel time is now work time

In a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, travel time is now considered work time for those workers with no fixed office. The implications of this judgement are far reaching and employers who hire workers that have no fixed work place are now left wondering how they will be affected by this decision....Read More

Mental health issues on the increase in the workplace

According to recent research by the CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel & Development), over 20% of employers have seen an increase in staff reporting depression and anxiety. With reference to the responsibilities set out in the Equality Act 2010, employers are duty bound not to discriminate against anybody with a disability, whether that’s physical or...Read More

Employment Law: Know Your Rights

All decent employers will follow all employee rights down to the letter. Whether you work in an office or on a construction site, employee rights are vital for a safe and happy working environment. Encouraging employees to join a trade union is known to boost morale and, of course, can protect employees if thing go...Read More

How can an accident claim help you?

Unfortunately, accidents happen. No matter how careful you are there’s still a chance someone else could cause an accident on the road or at work. Mark Reynolds Solicitors operate a no-win no-fee accident claims process. That means you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain if your accident claim is approved. Some of...Read More

What to Do If You’re Injured on Holiday

The last thing you want to consider when booking your holiday is that possible injuries could occur. Travel insurance will cover the basics such as emergency medical costs and offer 24/7 assistance. Fellow EU countries have a reciprocal care agreement with the UK that will cover many emergency medical expenses, but you will need to...Read More

Why are more people dying at the weekend in hospitals?

As you may have already seen in the press over the last few weeks, it has been proven in a recent study that more people are dying when they are admitted into hospital at the weekend rather than during the week. This rather alarming finding was uncovered by a team from the University Hospital Birmingham...Read More