
Making personal injury claims against uninsured drivers

It’s estimated that there are over one million uninsured drivers currently driving on Britain’s roads and every year there’s around 25,000 incidents involving uninsured drivers. As we all know, it’s a legal requirement to have valid motor insurance and it can literally add insult to injury if you happen to get hit by somebody who...Read More

Cycling accidents in the UK

According to the latest figures from RoSPA, around 3000 cyclists are killed or seriously injured every year in the UK, and there are approximately 16000 cyclists who suffer minor injuries. And these are just the reported cases. Many cycling accidents are not reported to the police. These figures are based on cycling accidents which happen...Read More

The Living Wage Debate

Despite Aldi’s recent announcement that they intend to pay 9,000 staff the full living wage, the overall feeling across UK employers is one of fear and reluctance to implement it. When George Osborne announced that the minimum national living wage was to rise to £7.20 for over 25s from April 2016 onwards, the general reaction...Read More

What compensation can you claim in clinical negligence cases?

 When it comes to making a claim in a clinical negligence case it is necessary to establish that the medical professional in question was negligent in their actions and that this negligence caused your injury. The courts have to decide that the actions of the medical professional were not simply a mistake but a case...Read More

Cycling Accident Claims: What you need to know

Statistics have shown that every 30 seconds someone in the world is killed in a road accident. Over the years this figure has drastically risen through the greater use and accessibility of vehicles and the increased number of people now cycling. The severity of the injuries vary but they still occur on a daily basis...Read More

Employment Law: Top Four Changes in 2015

Employment law is a minefield and for the uninitiated it can be complex, confusing and ever-changing. 2015 is proving to be no exception with a number of important legislative changes on the way. Here are the top four areas that employers should note. Parental Leave and Pay This year there are big changes for parental...Read More

Clinical Negligence in the News

The NHS has announced major incidents within a number of their hospitals across the UK. These major incidents, caused by mounting pressures on NHS staff, lead to an increase in clinical negligence, as understaffed departments struggle to cope with increasing patient demands. What Is a Major Incident? Hospitals declare a major incident when they are...Read More

How to Choose the Best Employment Solicitor

When it comes to employment law, bad advice can be worse than no advice! Make sure you choose the right employment lawyer by following the tips below. A Specialist Don’t be tempted to choose a solicitor that dabbles in the field of employment law – always look for an employment law specialist. Employment law is...Read More