
Accidents at Work: How Compensation Can Help

Every year thousands of workers are injured in accidents at work. In 2013 in the UK alone, 78,000 workers experienced a workplace injury and over one million workers suffered from a work-related illness. If you’ve had an accident at work or suffered from a work-related illness, find out how compensation could help you. Why You...Read More

What is a last minute settlement?

In an employment tribunal situation, it is not uncommon for a last-minute settlement to be made. On the one hand, this can be a good thing, especially if you can come to a mutual agreement with your employer and it saves you both the hassle of going through the hearing. On the other hand, it can...Read More

Mark Reynolds Solicitors raise funds for Will Aid Scheme

Mark Reynolds Solicitors were delighted to have been part of last year’s Will Aid scheme and have raised a grand total of £2875 for the charity. Will Aid was founded in 1988 as a nationally run initiative designed to raise money for charity by harnessing the skills of Solicitors to help those in need. Solicitors...Read More

Automatic anonymity law ruled for personal injury claims

Protected parties and children involved in clinical negligence and personal injury cases will not be named publicly unless it’s absolutely necessary, ruled the Court of Appeal this month. Previously, personal injury and medical negligence claimants were automatically named unless they formally applied for anonymity and submitted it to the Press Association news agency. Now the...Read More

Road Traffic Accident Settlement Success Story

Our client was involved in a road traffic accident where the insurers were looking to sweep his accident under the carpet and offer £1000.00 in settlement. We obtained suitable medical evidence from an experienced Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon and obtained in excess of £4,500.00 for our client. Further to this, our client’s damages cheque arrived only...Read More

Settlement Success Story

While case law suggests that any defect under an inch is not actionable, the Council’s disclosure came back which suggested they did not repair a defective area of the pavement mentioned in a previous inspection. We issued proceedings against the Council on the basis that the accident happened on a busy suburban road in Liverpool...Read More

What are the most common accidents at work?

Unfortunately, accidents at work are fairly commonplace with many resulting in long absences at work and in some extreme cases, fatalities. We have compiled this list of the usual suspects: Trips and slips – this is one of the most common scenarios with slippery reception areas, toilets and factory floors being the main culprits. Falls...Read More

What is a compromise agreement?

Sometimes the relationship between an employer and employee can get so bad that there is no solution other than for them to go their separate ways. The employer has no legal grounds that would justify the sacking of the employee and the employee feels strongly that, through no fault of their own, the issue with...Read More

How to Choose Your Personal Injury Solicitor

How to Choose Your Personal Injury Solicitor Finding a solicitor to assist with your legal requirements is no easy task, but this can be even more difficult when you’ve faced personal injury. There’s a lot to think about, including your recovery, but it’s extremely important to find a solicitor who can represent you well, to...Read More