
How much compensation can you get from a housing disrepair claim?

If your rental property has deteriorated in terms of repair from what it was at the time your tenancy began and you’ve notified your landlord in writing, you may be able to make a housing disrepair compensation claim. After receiving notification, your landlord will need to be given reasonable time to correct the situation. If...Read More

Housing Disrepair Protocol

A growing proportion of the UK population rents their home from private landlords. The standard of these properties varies, with the level of maintenance and repair offered by their landlord equally variable. In some cases, properties are allowed to fall into a state of disrepair and requests for repairs to take place from tenants to...Read More

How long does probate take?

Probate can seem like a complicated and at times confusing process, particularly if it’s the first time you’ve encountered it. It is in most cases a relatively straightforward process that will be concluded within a year. However, there are a number of different factors that can alter the equation. Here we’ll take a look at...Read More

Employment Law for Small Businesses

Small businesses are the engine room of the economy. They employ over 14 million people across the UK, and whether they have a single employee or fifty people, owners need to consider employment law.  As soon as you begin taking on employees, you will at the same time take on legal responsibilities. Before any employment...Read More

How long does a medical negligence claim take?

Medical negligence claims can be long, involved and complex processes. They can take considerable time from making the decision to pursue a claim and the claim ultimately being settled. There are numerous factors that come into play when making a claim. Medical negligence can range widely from minor issues to life-changing injuries with complex outcomes...Read More

What benefits can I claim after leg amputation?

Leg injuries are one of the most common workplace injuries and all too often they can lead to amputation. If a workplace injury leads to leg amputation then it may be possible to make a compensation claim. The consequences of amputation cannot be overstated. It can result in a considerable loss of earnings, pension rights...Read More

Types of industrial diseases

Anyone working in an industrial or commercial setting may be at risk from an industrial disease. Over the years, health and safety procedures have been implemented to radically reduce the risk of developing some of the more serious conditions. Despite this, many people are suffering from legacy conditions that were acquired while working in unsafe...Read More

How does the motor insurance bureau work?

The existence of the Motor Insurance Bureau often comes as a surprise to car owners. Most people haven’t heard of it, even fewer have much of an idea about what they do. They do, in fact, provide help and assistance to any driver who is involved in a road traffic accident with an uninsured or...Read More

How to make a stress at work claim

All kinds of occupations can place a heavy stress burden on an employee. Many of these jobs are inherently stressful but all kinds of jobs can become stressful due to office dynamics, commercial pressures or a combination of other factors.  Stress is still sometimes viewed as a lesser or non-existent illness that is perhaps used as...Read More

All you need to know about an employment tribunal

Issues at work can be extremely distressing and difficult to deal with. Our employment gives us an income, personal fulfilment and a degree of sociability. When something goes wrong at work the problems can sometimes feel intractable. When a problem develops it’s important to seek professional, impartial advice as quickly as possible. Problems in the...Read More