
How Much Is A Head Injury Claim Worth?

How much is a head injury claim worth? Head and brain injuries as a category covers a wide variety of different injuries that range in severity from minor concussion to severe brain injuries. They may last a few hours or be completely life-changing. With that in mind, the amount of compensation someone may receive for...Read More

Is there a time limit for medical negligence claims?

If you want to make a successful medical negligence claim then you need to do so in a timely manner. It’s important to act quickly, allowing enough time to gather the necessary supporting information and evidence. Time limits are in place for making claims and it’s crucial that you’re aware of them. What is the...Read More

Which spinal injuries can I claim for?

Serious accidents that result in a spinal injury can have a devastating impact on an individual’s life. To help them regain a decent quality of life it’s important that support as well as specialist rehabilitation can be put in place as quickly as possible. A spinal injury compensation claim can help in these circumstances, securing...Read More

What happens when a probate is contested?

When a deceased person leaves a valid will, in most instances probate will be granted without any challenge. In some cases, however, there may be cause to contest the contents of the will. Contesting a will can be an emotional challenge and not one that anyone should enter into lightly. Contested probate can be a...Read More

Are e-scooters Legal in the UK?

Are e-scooters legal in the UK? E-scooters are becoming more common on the UK’s roads. Seen as a sustainable alternative to car travel they are being backed by governments across the world as a means to tackle congestion and reduce carbon emissions in towns and cities. As a relatively new means of transport and with...Read More

What can a lasting power of attorney do?

With life expectancy increasing many more of us will face challenges to our physical and mental capacity as we grow older. The Alzheimer’s Society estimates that, as of 2021, there are around 1 million people in the UK suffering from dementia, with that figure likely to steadily increase in the future. Lasting Power of Attorney...Read More

What should you know before making a prescription error claim?

Millions of prescriptions are administered in the UK every day. In most cases, the highly trained and professional people who administer these drugs ensure that everything is done correctly. Patients receive the correct drugs and are able to start or continue a course of required medication. Errors do, however, happen. In fact, studies have found...Read More

How to establish fault in a defective product claim

When we purchase a new product, we have every right to expect that it will reach us in perfect condition. It should be box fresh, and, most importantly, safe to use. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Sometimes product standards can slip through the safety checks and end up on the shelves. While in...Read More

How Covid19 affects cancer diagnosis

The Covid-19 pandemic that has taken hold of the world since early 2020 has created an unprecedented set of challenges to the way we live and work. The delivery of healthcare has been no exception. While health planners, medical specialists and government officials have rightly been focused on reducing the transmission of the virus, it...Read More

What are the effects of making a medical negligence claim?

For most people with little or no understanding of the law, the whole area of medical negligence can seem complicated, even a little daunting. It can put people off pursuing claims, even when they feel they have a legitimate reason to make one. They might feel it’s financially prohibitive to make a claim, or that...Read More