
How does the Hardship Fund work for victims of criminal injury?

If we become a victim of criminal injury it can have serious consequences for our financial as well as our physical health. If you are relatively low-paid and find yourself unable to work the impact can be considerable. If your injuries are not deemed serious enough to qualify you for Criminal Injury Compensation, are unable...Read More

How can a personal injury solicitor help me?

If you find yourself injured in an accident through no fault of your own, you may be able to claim compensation for what happened. Personal injury claims are not about receiving a windfall but are instead designed to help restore your quality of life to how it was before the accident, and the resulting injury....Read More

How to know if you have an iron infusions medical negligence claim

Over recent years the practice of administering medical iron infusions have come under closer scrutiny from both the media and medical professionals. They are prescribed to help treat and prevent iron deficiency anaemia. Occasionally, however, there can be issues with how the infusion is administered. When it goes wrong the effects can be long-lasting. When...Read More

The unseen effects of a personal injury

When they hear the words personal injury, most people immediately think of a physical injury that could have temporary or permanent consequences. Broken bones, fractures, cuts and bruising may all be obvious, and can easily be displayed when you make a personal injury claim. Physical injuries can usually be treated. They may take time to...Read More

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer in the UK with statistics sadly showing that 1 in 8 women are diagnosed during their life time. These statistics indicate that each and every one of us is highly likely to know someone in their lifetime that finds themselves face to face with...Read More

Iron Infusions causing Permanent Staining

Here at Mark Reynolds Solicitors we are seeing an increasing number of cases of permanent staining arising from Iron Infusion Treatments. Iron Infusions are often offered to patients who have iron deficiency anaemia and it is not uncommon for this treatment to be offered during a term of pregnancy. The procedure involves a cannula insertion...Read More

What is the process for suing my GP?

No one chooses to take legal action against their GP or hospital doctor without a lot of consideration. It’s not a decision to be taken lightly, but in some instances, it is an appropriate one if we feel we have been a victim of medical negligence. GPs and hospital doctors are highly trained individuals on...Read More

Prostate Cancer Awareness

Prostate Cancer is predicted to be the most common cancer in the UK by 2030 yet so many people have no idea that it is so prominent. Often a silent killer, it is a fact that Prostate Cancer claims the lives of over 11,000 men year by year and the bleak reality of this is...Read More

Sepsis Awareness Month

13 September 2020 – World Sepsis Day What is sepsis? For good reason labelled The Indiscriminate Killer, Sepsis is a potentially life threatening condition caused by the body’s response to infection that many of us believe to be something so tragic and so distant to never be likely to affect us. The Royal College of...Read More