
How Can I Reduce My Inheritance Tax Bill?

The children born to the ‘baby boomer’ population will inherit the highest amount of wealth any generation has ever seen, and perhaps for several generations into the future. They’re the wealthiest generation in history, collecting around £250,000, consisting mostly of property. This means the children of this generation are likely to inherit approximately £100,000 each....Read More

The Problem With DIY Wills

DIY wills are cheaper than going to a professional, but ‘you get what you pay for’ has never rung truer. DIY wills offer a cheap alternative, costing around £20, with some less than £10. In fact, for £19.99 you can purchase a ‘last will & testament DIY kit’ from WHSmith. You’re likely to find more...Read More

What Kinds of Personal Injuries Justify a Claim?

Personal injuries are what they describe: injuries that you sustain to yourself. These might be physical, but they can also be psychological. If you suffer a personal injury, you can claim for the personal pain and suffering you experience, and also for expenses such as damaged clothing, travel costs, and certain help and equipment you...Read More

Probate Fee Hikes Are Coming – How Can You Avoid Losing Out?

The Government is planning probate fee hikes, resulting from changes to the current structure for probate fees. Probate is the process through which you get permission to deal with a deceased person’s estate. Since 1999, there has been a fixed fee for processing probate applications, but under the new structure, there will be different charging...Read More

Why Do Severe Brain Injuries Result in Unconsciousness?

Consciousness is a state of mind that refers to self-awareness. It’s what lets us think new thoughts and plan for the future based on past experiences. Consciousness is constantly shifting, but sustaining a severe brain injury can suddenly change conscious states from fully alert and aware to confusion and panic. What Is a Traumatic Brain...Read More

Coping With the Effects of Brain Injury on a Loved One

Traffic jams and difficult customers are minor stressors that many of us are all too familiar with. Most of us cope with such stressors in different ways. Some resort to vigorous exercise or set aside relaxation time while others may turn to alcohol or drugs. But how do we even begin to cope when something...Read More

What Is a Brain Injury?

The brain is the most vital organ. It acts as the command centre for the entire nervous system, receiving and sending signals throughout the body. Cognitive functions like language and visual processing also rely on input from the brain. Any physical blow to the head can disrupt those functions, resulting in mild to severe physical...Read More

Is It Possible To Make an Injury Claim Against the Army?

Serving in the armed forces can be hazardous for any number of reasons. While you might consider that often these hazardous conditions are part of the job, you can still make an injury claim against the army. Duty of care is a legal or moral obligation to ensure the safety or wellbeing of others, and,...Read More

What You Need to Know About Whistleblowing in the Workplace

The UK Government defines a whistleblower as a someone who discloses wrongdoing in the public interest. This is often, but not always in a workplace setting. For the wrongdoing to be in the public interest it must have an impact on others, such as the general public. Whistleblowing can be challenging for the whistleblower, partly...Read More

How Care Cuts Are Affecting Older People in the UK

An inquiry has found that government care cuts are putting the elderly’s health and wellbeing at risk. The 13 month inquiry was carried out by the global campaign group Human Rights Watch and found that older people are facing physical, financial and psychological hardship because of cuts. Since the government cuts, many elderly people are...Read More